by Susan Denisi | Nov 1, 2024 | Circuit Breaker, Air Filter, Drain Pan, Ducts, Furnace, Heating, Power Source, Thermostat, Troubleshooting
If your furnace isn’t turning on, before you reach out to your Monroe Heating & Air professionals in a panic, remember that there are several common issues that may be causing your heating system to malfunction. To assist you, here is a straightforward...
by Susan Denisi | Oct 1, 2024 | Air Filter, Allergens, Bacteria, Contaminants, Dirty Air Filter, Dust, Energy Bills, Germs, IAQ, Indoor Air Quality, Odors, Pollutants, Seasonal Changes
The consequences of a clogged air filter might be more serious than you realize! In fact, they can be pretty scary. Have you ever considered what happens when your HVAC air filters get clogged for too long? While it may seem like a small issue, blocked air filters can...
by Susan Denisi | Sep 1, 2024 | Fall, Furnace, HVAC System, Safety Check, Scheduling, Season, Tune-up, Warranty, Weather, Winter
Prioritizing your fall furnace service in September is a wise decision for several reasons: the current weather, strategic timing, the upcoming winter season, and most importantly, your safety. At Monroe Heating & Air, we are dedicated to preparing you for fall...
by Susan Denisi | Aug 1, 2024 | Preventative Maintenance, A/C, Air Filters, Air Quality, Condenser, Condenser Coil, Drain Line, Ductwork, Environmental Footprint, Financial Savings, HVAC, Lifespan, Maintenance Tips, Seasonal Tune-ups, Thermostat, Warranty
It’s probably safe to assume and say you want to keep your home cool and comfy all summer. Who wants to be stuck without cool air in the middle of summer? No one! Did you know that preventative maintenance on your AC helps keep your HVAC system in great shape?...
by Susan Denisi | Jul 1, 2024 | How To, AC, Air Conditioner, Blinds, Broken, Ceiling Fans, Cool, Cool Air, Exterior Doors, Summer, Warm Air, Windows
If your AC is acting up and you can’t figure out what’s wrong, we understand—it’s HOT outside! If your air conditioner is broken, don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Let’s work together to keep you cool. By now,...