Monroe Heating & Air

Energy Tips for Super Bowl Parties

If you are like a lot of homeowners across the country, you are probably preparing to host a Super Bowl Party in the coming weeks.

If so, we at Monroe Heating & Air have some tips to help you curb energy costs while at the same time making your gathering a great time with plenty of fun so everyone can enjoy the Big Game and leave with good memories.:

Lowering Thermostat During Party

Kick off your big party by lowering the temperature a few degrees on your thermostat, or pre program your Smart Thermostat so it’s all ready to go and hands free. With food prep and extra bodies all revved up for the Big Game, your home will feel a lot warmer than usual. 

Have a Backyard Tailgate!

If the weather permits and it’s warm enough on Super Bowl Sunday, fire up the grill and have your pregame festivities in your backyard. Additionally, you can have a bonfire if it helps. In any case, a Backyard Tailgate will help you save electricity used to operate your stove and oven and enjoy the late winter atmosphere like you would at a Buckeyes’ game.

Make A Playbook For Your Menu

Don’t make the mistake of blitzing your guests with all the food before kick off. Stagger food offerings with a play-by-play menu that offers your delicious treats in waves, this way nothing goes stale or grows cold and less will be wasted overall.

Turn off lights in unused rooms

At most Super Bowl gatherings, everyone usually ends up in our living room glued to our largest flat screen TV. Except for perhaps the bathroom and maybe the kitchen from time to time, most guests don’t go into any other rooms. To save energy, turn off lights in these unused rooms and other areas and keep them off during the game.

Prepare food in advance

Whenever a host has to cook for larger groups of guests, like a Super Bowl party, it can heat things up in a dwelling. Because of this, we recommend hosts prepare their food ahead of time as much as feasible to prevent too much cooking from happening when the house is full of visitors. Essentially, we are looking to provide warm food without roasting ourselves out. To make this simpler, you can use warmers in an outbuilding or garage to keep food ready to go!

Remember to Recycle! 

Care about the environment? Aluminum cans add up when you save them, especially from a party. We suggest setting up a recycle container next to your coolers or trash cans so guests can set their empty beverage cans and bottles inside them to reduce waste and score one for the planet.

Furnace not performing so great?

Don’t wait for your furnace to call it quits in the middle of your big Super Bowl Bash. If you’re having home heating issues or HVAC problems, call Monroe Heating & Air today at (513) 540-4890, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here!