Monroe Heating & Air

What Questions Should I Ask a Technician During a Service Call?

The HVAC equipment in your home is a necessity to your everyday living, offering comfortable temperatures and clean air for your household. However, it can be complicated and frustrating when choosing the best HVAC company and scheduling the best technicians to come out for servicing your equipment. When it comes to your HVAC system, you may also have a few questions for your technician. In this article, our experts at Monroe Heating & Air outline some of the most common questions they receive during a service call to help you better understand your HVAC system. 

How Frequently Should My Air Filters Be Replaced?

Air filters should be replaced at least every three months but make sure to check in every month to ensure everything is running well. When you notice that the air filter in your HVAC system is darkened or clogged, it is time to replace it. After getting into the routine, you begin to understand the importance of why frequently changing the HVAC system’s air filters is crucial.

How Frequently Should My HVAC System Be Serviced?

As soon as you notice that there may be a problem with your HVAC system, you should schedule servicing on your equipment straight away. Apart from that, you should only need your equipment maintenance once a year. During a routine maintenance call, our technicians at Monroe Heating & Air tune-up and inspect your system to make sure it is ready for the weather the upcoming season has to bring. 

Is It Possible To Lower My Energy Costs?

The more electricity you consume within your home, the more your energy costs will be. The best way to reduce the energy costs within your home is to reduce the amount of energy your home is consuming. Some recommendations an HVAC technician might tell you are to make sure you’re replacing your air filters regularly and to invest in a Wi-Fi thermostat. Wi-Fi thermostats help you develop a schedule that fits your home’s temperature needs while staying energy efficient. 

Do you still have questions? Or are you looking for someone to talk to about your HVAC problems? 

If so, call Monroe Heating & Air today at (513) 540-4890, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!