Monroe Heating & Air

Tips to Prepare Your Home for Spring

After the cold months of winter, homeowners throughout Ohio are excited to get some spring cleaning done and prepare their places for summer. However, it won’t be long until people are complaining about the heat.

To help you prepare your home for the hot months to come, we at Monroe Heating & Air put together some helpful tips to prepare your home for spring! 

  1. Clear Out Your Gutters

Gutters are notorious for collecting sticks and leaves during the fall and winter months. And during the cold weather it’s harder to get up on a ladder to do the work. However, spring is the perfect time to have someone experienced with roofing or ladder work to clear the debris out and make those spring showers easier on your home! 

  1. Replace Your Air Filter

With allergens on the rise this time of year, it’s always a good idea to consider the quality of the air in your home. If dirt and dust are present on surfaces or getting out of hand in your air vents, it might indicate it’s time to replace your HVAC systems air filters. We suggest that you make a habit of doing so at least once a month to ensure that your HVAC system doesn’t overheat and the air in your home is clean.

  1. Check Roof for any Damage

Rough winters with large amounts of snow or hail can be damaging to your roof. So consider doing a quick overview of the condition of your roof, or hire a professional inspection if you suspect a problem. 

  1. Don’t forget A/C maintenance

Before turning on your A/C this summer, make sure to clear away any debris, shrubs, or outdoor furniture away from your unit. This will ensure that it doesn’t overheat and create problems throughout the HVAC system. For optimal use of your unit and to save you on energy costs and ensure the unit runs all summer, now is the time to schedule your A/C tune up. Seasonal maintenance is an investment that always pays off.

Call us for all your A/C needs this summer!

Spring is an exciting and rejuvenating time of year, and we are here all summer long to help you should you have any home comfort issues along the way. To schedule an HVAC maintenance appointment, call Monroe Heating & Air today at (513) 540-4890, or schedule an appointment now by clicking here!